Create Art

Art Journals: 

I love art journals. I got this book as a birthday gift this year. It was a wonderful present.

I highly recommend it.

The creativity in your art journal is personal. It is whatever you want it to be. There are a lot of you tubers out there who give video instruction. Here is one I liked.

I subscribed to Limor Webber's channel. This one is entitled "Butterfly" It is part of her Friday Mixed media series.

Illustration Friday

Friday is one of my favorite days, not only because the weekend looms ahead, but because it is illustration Friday: Illustration Friday

I signed up and I get an e mail every Friday. Every Friday I follow the link and see art created by a new artists I have never seen before.
You can follow the link to the artists blog and see wonderful art.

Deviant Art

Another great website for art is Deviant Art: Deviant Art

Deviant art is free and can allow you to open your own gallery to the Internet. The art on these websites is inspiring and can be jaw dropping gorgeous.